Phase 1: Construction is Underway!

Construction has commenced on Charter Oak Park West, a multipurpose recreational park located in the heart of Manchester. Phase 1 will take approximately eight months to complete. The project will enhance the recreational facilities at Charter Oak Park West. The synthetic turf field will marked for both youth and adult soccer and will include LED lighting and new parking will provide on site access to the fields and other amenities.
This project is funded with a combination of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, state grants and local capital improvement funds with over 80% of funding coming from external sources. Less than 20% of the cost burden will fall on local taxpayers.
"The improvements are community- driven and informed by recommendations from the 2021 Town of Manchester Parks and Facilities Master Plan", said Town Manager Steve Stephanou. "At that time, survey results showed that Charter Oak Park is one of the most used parks in Town, with 56% of respondents saying they have used the park for recreation. This project was made possible thanks to the Board of Directors, local taxpayers and generous contributions from the state and federal government with critical assistance from our state legislative and federal delegations".