Planapalooza - Monday May 16th through Thursday May 19th
WHAT’S A PLANAPALOOZA™ ? (\plan•uh•puh•loo•zuh\)
A Planapalooza™ is an intense, participatory design, and public input process where you are invited to work directly with your neighbors, fellow business owners and a multidisciplinary consulting team. The entire process is open to the public. So please join us as we work together to prepare a Plan of Conservation and Development that will protect and enhance Manchester and set a clear vision for the future.
Monday May16th through Thursday May 19th: The Town’s consultant partner TPUDC will be in town for their week-long “Planapalooza” process where they conduct multiple public workshops and meetings. All are welcome to attend.
The Planapalooza process consists of two major pieces:
- Public Opening Presentation/Hands-on Workshop (Monday 5/16) and the closing Work-in-Progress Presentation (Thursday 5/19); both of these sessions will take place at the Manchester High School cafeteria from 6-8pm.
- Open Studio & Technical Meetings: These will take place throughout the day during the entire week at WORK_SPACE (903 Main Street); WORK_SPACE is open to the public and residents should feel free to stop by to see the TPUDC team working during Open Studio. For those interested in the various Technical Meetings, please see the schedule on the right hand side of this page for specific times and dates.
Please reach out to the Planning Department if you have any questions. Thank you again for your interest in this project and passion for Manchester. We hope to see you at some point during Planapalooza week!
The Thursday night Work-in-Progress presentation on 5/19 will also have a virtual option. To register for that virtual meeting option, click here.
Consultation has concluded