• P&
    Planning & Economic Development department
    Project Manager @ Town of Manchester

    The Planning Department's mission is to work in partnership with residents, Town departments and the private sector to build, sustain and manage a high quality of life in Manchester.  The department provides policy analysis, administrative support, project management, and technical expertise to public and private groups and individuals.

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  • TP
    Town Planning & Urban Design Collaborative (TPUDC)
    Lead Consultant @ TPUDC

    TPUDC is an award-winning and nationally-renowned planning and urban design firm specializing in the planning, coding, entitlement and implementation of public and private projects across North America. 

    By taking on only a small number of select projects each year, it allows us to give our clients the personalized attention required to create authentic mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly environments and memorable places that will withstand the test of time. 

    With a wealth of experience in the planning, coding and development industries, TPUDC brings a developer’s sensibilities to the creation of the firm’s master plans. Our work pushes conventional practice and employs time-tested placemaking principles to create buildings, civic spaces and streets that are vibrant and enduring, with the full contextual range of mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly environments. 


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  • CE
    City Explained
    Consultant partner @ City Explained

    City Explained, Inc. actively seeks to align itself with cities, counties and regions that appreciate and uphold the virtues of community-based planning.  Our team emphasizes a process-driven approach to sustainable development and town-building; always with an eye toward sound technical analysis, meaningful public involvement, and creative solutions for realizing a community’s vision.

    We rely on our creativity and national experience to provide clients with plans that are bold, achievable and fiscally-responsible.  Taking on only a few projects a year, we strive to work on the most interesting, meaningful and socially-responsible projects with truly-committed clients. 


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  • TD
    Toole Design
    Consultant partner

    Toole Design is committed to designing and building spaces where people can move freely and intuitively, enjoying the experience and becoming a part of the community instead of just moving through it. Our success is built on collaborative partnerships with our clients, and thinking that goes beyond conventional solutions. For 19 years, we’ve transformed the way people move, and helped communities thrive.


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  • AM
    Arnett Muldrow
    Consultant partner

    We work very closely with our clients to define the planning issues for their communities. Whether our solutions focus on an economic development strategy, retail market research, community branding, or historic preservation – we craft a custom process for each community built around three philosophies: Engaged Community Voice, Strategies Built in Reality,  and Plans that get Implemented.


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