Parks and Facilities Master Plan Process
Public Engagement & Visioning
This portion is an opportunity for Manchester residents to provide their perspectives on park and recreational facilities in Town – what they like, what they dislike and what they would like to change in the future.
Programming & Trend Analysis
This portion will assess how well Manchester’s existing programming is meeting the needs of residents and how it may be projected to change in the future as tastes and demographics evolve.
Trails & Connectivity
With 109 miles of trails within or adjacent to Manchester, maintaining all of them to a high standard is not viable.
Assessment & Conceptual Visions
The Town’s consultant partner will design several conceptual options presenting various alternative future designs for selected sites.
Funding & Fiscal Analysis
How much any proposed changes are projected to cost and how to pay for them.
Implementation Strategy
A timeline of which projects should be prioritized and how to successfully implement them.