Trick or Treat for OurParks Prompts Large Community Turnout
The Parks and Facilities Master Plan project kicked into high gear this weekend as hundreds of Manchester residents participated in a community engagement special event, Trick or Treat for OurParks. This event was held at four locations in town; Center Memorial Park, Charter Oak Park, Northwest Park and Squire Village. Attendance surprised us all, as residents of all ages came out to share their thoughts and opinions on what they believe Manchester needs most.
Children in costumes received goodie bags of candy and a surprise “M” bag filled with crafts and treats. Adults had fun playing with fake money, sticking stickers on maps and sharing thoughts with staff and consultants. Everyone received a raffle ticket to place into contention for several raffle prizes, the top prize being a new BIKE!
Those attending the event were given $10,000 (of fake money) and were asked to spend their dollars on what they felt the Town needed most.
Read more about the event on Better Manchester!