Community Engagement Feedback

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The Town of Manchester recognizes that community engagement plays an important role in making local government both effective and responsive to the community it serves.

Your Voice Matters is another avenue for the Manchester community to connect, making it easier for community members to share their voices—at a time and place of their choice—about issues to help shape Town projects and decision-making processes.

Start by sharing your ideas below on ways you would like the Town of Manchester to use Your Voice Matters! Explore the tabs "Quick Poll" "Ideas" and "Q&A" below.

The Town of Manchester recognizes that community engagement plays an important role in making local government both effective and responsive to the community it serves.

Your Voice Matters is another avenue for the Manchester community to connect, making it easier for community members to share their voices—at a time and place of their choice—about issues to help shape Town projects and decision-making processes.

Start by sharing your ideas below on ways you would like the Town of Manchester to use Your Voice Matters! Explore the tabs "Quick Poll" "Ideas" and "Q&A" below.

Page last updated: 05 Sep 2023, 09:43 AM