Downtown Manchester Improvements Project

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The Downtown Manchester Improvements project aims to make Main Street safer and more enjoyable for everyone who uses it, whether you're walking, biking, driving, or taking public transportation.

We want to create a street that's easy to access and vibrant, with plenty of space for people to gather and enjoy. This means adding things like safer crossings, bike lanes, and nicer sidewalks, as well as creating more places to sit and relax. Overall, we're working to make Main Street a better place for everyone in our community.

Explore the full project narrative here or click on the image below to discover the reasons behind this project's proposal and to see 3D comparisons showcasing the potential changes.

(Click Image to View the Interactive Presentation)

The Downtown Manchester Improvements project aims to make Main Street safer and more enjoyable for everyone who uses it, whether you're walking, biking, driving, or taking public transportation.

We want to create a street that's easy to access and vibrant, with plenty of space for people to gather and enjoy. This means adding things like safer crossings, bike lanes, and nicer sidewalks, as well as creating more places to sit and relax. Overall, we're working to make Main Street a better place for everyone in our community.

Explore the full project narrative here or click on the image below to discover the reasons behind this project's proposal and to see 3D comparisons showcasing the potential changes.

(Click Image to View the Interactive Presentation)

Page last updated: 15 May 2024, 03:32 PM